PostNord Danmark Rundt

Cycling races in Vejle

Photo: Thomas Sjørup

The Kingdom of Cycling is known for its many cycling events. Every year, the area attracts cycling enthusiasts for both professional and recreational road races.

[DELETED] Danish Championship in road cycling
Photo: Stjernegaard Fotografi

[DELETED] Danish Championship in road cycling

In 2021, Danish cycling sports riders will test the roads around Vejle when they battle for the Danish Championship, which will take place in Vejle and its surroundings.

Grand Prix Vejle Ådal
Photo: Grand Prix Vejle Ådal

Grand Prix Vejle Ådal

Grand Prix Vejle Ådal is a vintage recreational road cycling race for riders of iron on bikes of steel. The race pays tribute to the heroes of the early days of the cycling sport, and participants lin...

Photo: VisitVejle


Grejsdalsløbet is a recreational cycling race open to everyone and recognised as Denmark’s toughest such road race and the nation’s classic race in the rolling spring hills around Vejle.

Grejsdalsløbet – cycle race
Photo: VisitVejle

Grejsdalsløbet – cycle race

Grejsdalsløbet, Denmark's toughest recreational bike race. Despite this hard-hitting title, the Grejsdalsløbet is actually an bike race open for everyone.


[DELETED] Hærvejsløbet (The Ancient Road Bicycle Race)

Look forward to 2021 and the next edition of the annual road cycling race along the Ancient Road (Hærvejen). The new 2021 programme is still pending, but below you can view last year’s exciting progra...

PostNord Danmark Rundt - Bicycle Stage Race

Each year, PostNord Danmark Rundt, a Danish road cycling race for professionals, visits Vejle. Since 2004, the road of Kiddesvej in Vejle has played a decisive role for the queen stage and the outcome...

[DELETED] Tour de France
Photo: Mads Hansen

[DELETED] Tour de France

The world’s most widely attended road cycling race, Tour de France, will pay a visit to Vejle on 3 July 2022. The three-week spectacle is considered one of the toughest and most prestigious such compe...

[DELETED] VM i jernbanecykling
Photo: VM i jernbanecykling

[DELETED] VM i jernbanecykling

In September, the World Railway Cycling Championship will be hosted in Vejle, mainly following abandoned railway tracks. The start and finish lines will be in Vejle.

Munkebjerg Grand Prix
Photo: Roar Paaske Fotografi

Munkebjerg Grand Prix

Munkebjerg Grand Prix is a recreational cycling road race open to everyone. The route circuit meanders through scenic landscapes around Munkebjerg and Vejle Inlet with the starting point and hill spri...
