How to be a good guest in nature

Photo: Jakob Vingtoft

The Danish Society for Nature Conservation provides 10 great tips on how to be a good guest in nature. Read more here.

Based on the Danish Society for Nature Conservation’s advice for good behavior in nature, we list here 10 things to keep in mind when visiting nature.

This way, we ensure that everyone can enjoy nature for many years to come.

You can read more about the 10 tips at the Danish Society for Nature Conservation’s website here: 10 ting du kan gøre for at være en god gæst i naturen - Danmarks Naturfredningsforening

Photo:Jakob Vingtoft

1. Preparation Pays Off

Take time to prepare before heading out into nature. For example, look at a map and find out what to be aware of in the natural area you want to visit. If you plan to cook over an open fire, make sure you know where it is allowed. A good rule of thumb is to use established fire pits, such as those near shelters.

2. Leave the Car Behind

Take your bike or use public transport when heading out. This helps reduce congestion in natural areas.

3. Avoid Reed Beds

Around many lakes, grass plants called reeds form dense reed beds. These are important habitats for nesting birds that need peace and quiet. Stick to paths around lakes or use boardwalks that go through reed beds.

4. Keep Dogs on a Leash

Keep your dog on a leash when in nature. Loose dogs can pose a significant threat to wildlife, such as coastal birds hiding on the beach with their eggs and nests or deer in forests that are stressed by loose dogs.

5. Protect Nesting Birds

Spring is bustling with wildlife, and ground-nesting birds are especially vulnerable to disturbance, as are nesting birds of prey in forests. You can help protect these birds by being mindful while in nature.

6. Pay Attention to Signs and Fences

Always follow the recommendations on signs and respect enclosures in nature. This helps protect the area’s animals and plants. If walking in private forests, it’s important to stick to roads and paths.

7. Nature Without Litter

Leave only your footprints in nature. If you bring food and drinks, remember to use trash bins or take your waste with you.

8. A Smile is Contagious

Greet people you meet along the way with a smile. You might even be lucky enough to hear an exciting story about the area you’re exploring.

9. Enjoy the Moment

Give yourself time to enjoy the moment: the special light in the forest, the wind in your hair, and the sound of birds singing. Put your phone away and take it all in.

10. Broaden Your Horizons

Some natural areas are more famous and therefore more visited than others. Spend some time researching your options and consider visiting a less-known natural gem instead. This gives you a fresh experience while helping reduce the strain on more popular areas. You can find plenty of inspiration for your next nature adventure on our website.