Turistbureauet VisitVejle i Vejle efter renovation i 2023

Tourist offices in Vejle

Photo: Eliza Danesi

The tourist offices in Vejle, Givskud and Jelling are ready to help you make your holiday a memorable experience.

You can find tourist information in Vejle, Givskud, and Jelling.

At the tourist offices, you'll find brochures and maps with inspiration and information about the area's many experiences, attractions, and natural areas. Many of the brochures are available in Danish, English, and German.

Below, you will find the addresses and opening hours for the three tourist offices.

Here you will find the tourist offices of the Vejle area

VisitVejle facade om sommeren

VisitVejle, the Tourist Office in Vejle

VisitVejle is located in the heart of Vejle, right next to the train station. If you need help and inspiration for your visit to Vejle, VisitVejle is a great place to start. Here, we assist with both brochure materials and maps (in Danish, English, and German) and tour suggestions.


Opening hours

  • Monday: 09.00-15.00
  • Tuesday: 09.00-15.00
  • Wednesday: 09.00-15.00 (self-service all day)
  • Thursday: 09.00-15.00
  • Friday: 09.00-15.00
  • Saturday: 09.00-12.00 

Check for any closing days on Google.

Address and contact

Address: VisitVejle, Banegårdspladsen 8, 7100 Vejle

Phone during opening hours: 76 81 19 25

Mail: visitvejle@vejle.dk

Givskud Zoo Turistinformation
Givskud Zoo

Givskud Tourist Information

At Givskud Zoo Zootopia's information and ticket sales, you will also find Givskud Tourist Information. Here, you can get information about the area's attractions and events all year round. Assistance is available with brochure materials and maps, tour suggestions, and booking accommodations. Languages served: Danish, English, and German.

Kongernes Jelling museum
Mads Hansen

Jelling Tourist Information

You will find Jelling Tourist Information at the experience center Kongernes Jelling. In addition to information about the experience center, the staff is also ready (during the summer months) to provide information about Jelling town and the surrounding area. You can also get brochure materials, maps, and tour suggestions. Language areas: Danish, English, and German.