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Vejle Public Library

The library building in Vejle at the square, Willy Sørensen Plads, will undergo a significant transformation in the coming years. When the new building is completed, it will be an exciting library and cultural house that connects nature, city, and culture. Until then, the library will relocate to other premises in the shopping center Bryggen and Farveriet at Spinderihallerne.

Read more about the new library and cultural house on Vejle Libraries' website, where you will also find information about the temporary libraries, exciting book recommendations, and news, activities, and events.

Children's Library in Bryggen (From October 9)
Address: Søndertorv 2, 1st floor, No. 232, 7100 Vejle

Here, children and their families can explore and borrow exciting children's books and other materials, participate in activities and events, and meet the children's librarians.

Opening hours and contact information

Library for adults and young people in Farveriet (From the beginning of November)
Address: Spinderigade 20, 7100 Vejle

Here, primarily young people and adults can borrow and return books and other materials. Just like in the regular library service, you can print and copy, hold meetings, and participate in author events and more.

Opening hours and contact information