Top-10 attractions for adults

Photo: Anders Sune Berg

Top-10 most popular attractions and sights in Vejle. The best of experiences when it comes to culture, art, architecture, history and shopping.

Photo: Knapek Photography


Fjordenhus is Vejle’s iconic building by the city’s waterfront. World-renowned Danish-Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson has created the building, which is located in the harbour basin itself. Designate...

The Jelling Monuments (UNESCO)
Photo: Frame & Work

The Jelling Monuments (UNESCO)

In the tenth century, King Harald Bluetooth had Denmark's name engraved on a runestone in Jelling and erected two large mounds. The Jelling monuments have been on the UNESCO World Heritage list since ...

The umbrellas of Vejle Midtpunkt
Photo: Knapek photography

The umbrellas of Vejle Midtpunkt

Every year from April to October, you can experience the colourful umbrella sky above Vejle Midtpunkt, an area also called Vejle’s Latin Quarter which is located in the northern part of the pedestrian...

Cultural Museum
Photo: VejleMuseerne

Cultural Museum

Experience how the world we know today was created with exciting and fun exhibitions. Free admission.

Vejle Art Museum
Photo: Vejle Kunstmuseum

Vejle Art Museum

The city's art museum embraces both local heroes and the very latest contemporary art. Admission to the museum is always free.


Old grocer’s shop Bindeballe Købmandsgård

The old grocer's shop, Bindeballe Købmandsgård, is today a combined merchant museum and general grocery store. Both inside and outside, the signs, exhibits and fixtures remind us of its history.


Landscape Sculpture by Robert Jacobsen - Jean Clareboudt

The Landscape Sculpture in Tørskind Gravel Pit. In a former gravel pit in the Vejle Valley, one of Denmark's few landscape sculptures is located, created by Robert Jacobsen and Jean Clareboudt.


City walk in Vejle’s old town

VisitVejle has put together a walking tour through Vejle's old streets. You are invited to join the 4.1 kilometer city walk on your own in Vejle's old town.

Museum Give
Photo: Destination Trekantområdet – VisitVejle

Museum Give

Visit the museum, which takes you on a time travel through the 3 exhibitions; The heath farmers farm, The street of commerce and craftsmanship and the Village School. The museum is an attractive desti...

Nørreskoven Forest and Dyrehaven deer park, Vejle
Photo: Destination Trekantområdet – VisitVejle

Nørreskoven Forest and Dyrehaven deer park, Vejle

The Forest Nørreskoven with the Deer Park - Dyrehaven - is one of the area's most visited forests. Here in the very versatile piece of nature with large beech trees, you are invited to enjoy many outd...


Flere favoritter til dig

Hvad kan man ellers lave i Vejle? Se vores anbefalinger her. 

Grejsdalstien – hiking route between Vejle and Jelling
Grejsdalstien – hiking route between Vejle and Jelling
Pige leger på Kongernes Jelling
Top-10 attractions for children and families
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